Hey All you Lucky People!
We are nearing the end of the year and with summer in SA the golf courses are looking incredible! How have your first couple of rounds been after the Lockdown Restrictions have been eased? The short game tends to be the missing factor in everybody’s game after the break and we’ve got a helpful tip for you today.
When you miss the green and you’ve got a chip with little green to work with, the first thing that goes through most of our minds is Tiger’s chip-in on 16 at the 2005 Masters and how we are going to copy his wizardry. Problem is, when we look down our lob-wedge still has some of Januarys dirt on it. The Lucky
Lesson here is that your wedge needs to be clean if you want to put any form of spin on the ball.
Luckily, we have you in mind when we design our towels. Not only do they carry the major Luck factor, but with our microfiber material, a splash of water and a smooth wipe your clubs will be shining bright and ready to perform at their best. Get over to our online shop today to pick your favourite style.
Remember, our Lucky Gloves match our Lucky Towels, don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!
We wish you a Lucky bounce around every corner,
1 comment
Love the tip, thank you!